- Records Management Programs require guiding policies and procedures beyond the Records Retention Schedule. The committee has gathered examples from school authorities; offered workshops and information sessions in support of the Records Management requirements of school jurisdictions in Alberta. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the information shared please contact the ASBOA office.
- includes a wealth of resources including sample templates, procedures, references, tip sheets and resources from workshops and information sessions.
Audit Committees
The audit committee is a committee of the board of trustees and is responsible for oversight of the financial reporting process, selection of the independent auditor, and receipt of audit results both internal and external. The committee assists the board of trustees to fulfill its governance and oversight responsibilities in relation to the school jurisdictions’ financial reporting, internal control system, risk management system and internal and external audit functions. Its role is to provide advice and recommendations to the board of trustees within the scope of its terms of reference.
Toolkit Outline
- Introduction
- Audit Committee Operations
- Who Should be on the Audit Committee
- Functions of the Audit Committee
- Audit Committee Relationships (Communications)
- Terms/Definitions
- Appendices and Resources
- Sample Auditor's Report
- Sample Audit Committee Ad
- Sample Audit Committee Agenda
Thank you to our Committee members for putting this package of information together.
Information contained in these documents is for general reference purposes and should not be construed as legal advice. Jurisdictions should consult with their own legal counsel for the purposes of interpretation, modification or implementation.
Financial Statements 101
This module is currently being updated to reflect the new Funding Model which came into effect September 2020.
This tool kit is intended to provide guidance to users of school jurisdiction financial information,
such as school trustees, administration, staff, parents and the public, on understanding financial statements. Included in the guidebook is information regarding quarterly reporting and necessary elements of regular reporting to provide school trustees and administration information throughout the year, that will not only help them perform their fiduciary duties but also to continually educate stakeholders on financial reporting.
The use of Audit Committees to provide fiscal oversight is also covered in the tool kit.