Registration Committee
PURPOSE: The Registration Committee must consider applications from persons to be registered as certified school business officials in accordance with the School Business Officials Regulations (37/2004) and otherwise as determined by Association policy.
ACCOUNTABILITY: The committee is accountable to the ASBOA Executive.
REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: Reports to the board a minimum of two times a year as set out in the Committee handbook.
AUTHORITY: The Registration Committee may
- approve the registration
- refuse to approve the registration or
- defer approval until the applicant has satisfied the requirements for eligibility for registration
- may renew a person subject to any conditions appropriate if a person does not meet the continuing education or professional development requirements for annual renewal as set out in Regulation 9(1) and (2) and Association Policy
Specific details of the Powers and duties and requirements for this committee are set out in the regulations.
Membership: Shall consist of:
- One (1) certified school business official who is a member of the Executive
- At least two (2) certified school business officials who are not members of the Executive, one of whom must be appointed as chair
- The Executive may choose to add additional Certified Members or use an external assessment agency if required.
A member of the ASBOA Executive serves on each Standing Committee and Adhoc Committee as a board liaison. Their role is to:
- Report on committee activities to the board of directors and advocate for the committee
- Serve as a resource for the committee
- Help the committee chair coordinate the association’s strategic plan and the committees activities and plans
- Review the committee’s mandate and activities and recommend committee membership as appropriate
The role of the staff is to:
- Maintain contact with the committee chair throughout the year
- Serve as a resource for the committee
- Promote committee membership