Contact Information
If you do not belong to a jurisdiction or are unsure, select 'Currently In Transition [I'm not sure]' from this drop down list.
It is our goal to help our members develop the necessary contacts and develop networks that will help them understand the complexities, context and the unique challenges that they may face in their new role in school business. If you would like to be matched with a mentor, please indicate that below.
Terms of Use
I understand that as a Member of the Association of School Business Officials of Alberta, I agree to act in accordance with the Association's Code of Ethics and the Bylaws.

I also understand that as a member of the Association of School Business Officials of Alberta, my information will be used by the Association for the purposes of developing programs, resources and services, for the general membership;  to communicate with me through email and social media regarding programs and services and volunteer opportunities related to school business and association activities and that my information may be shared with other members and participating companies who are registered for the same events.  I also understand that as a member of ASBOA, my contact information will also be shared with the Association of School Business Officials International through our affiliation and joint membership programs and the Global School Business Network  and that as a member I will receive emails from ASBO International regarding programs and services and at any time I may opt out of these emails and retain access to the Global School Business Network and the Alberta Community Discussion Forum.  

All members are automatically opted into ASBOA emails and communications, but may unsubscribe if you choose.  Please be aware that this may limit your access to timely information on ASBOA activities.