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Conducting credibility assessments is a critical analysis required when one person's version of events is different from another's and there is little corroborative evidence for either version - commonly known as he said/she said investigations. This is an advanced workshop where the participants will become comfortable in determining and articulating the credibility of their interviewees. This session combines theory and practical applications through case studies. The training is facilitated by Bob Stenhouse CEO, Veritas Solutions. This session is customized to the education sector. Cost for one session: $475 Both sessions: $895
Includes breakfast, lunch and snacks.
BOOK HOTEL HERE  $119-$124/nt

CPHR / CSBO credit eligible = 7.0

This workshop is designed to build on the Credibility Assessments module identified in the Workplace Investigations Certificate workshop. Conducting credibility assessments is a critical analysis required when one person's version of events is different from another's and there is little corroborative evidence for either version - commonly known as he said/she said investigations. This is an advanced workshop where the participants will become comfortable in determining and articulating the credibility of their interviewees.
Learning modules include:
• Identifying the two aspects of credibility - honesty and reliability
• Review of credibility jurisprudence and expectations
• Understanding the twelve aspects of credibility assessments
• Analysis and weight placed on the evidence
• How to articulate credibility assessments

• Review of high-profile cases - participant conducts a credibility assessment
• Mock interviews and credibility assessments
• Analysis findings and words used in a report